Whether you’re moving to a new house, down-sizing to a smaller space, or just looking to tidy up your current home, hosting a garage sale is a great way to eliminate the clutter. You get to re-evaluate all your items in order to determine which ones you wish to keep, it gets everyone in your community involved to stop by and find something they may need, and the best part - you’ll make a few extra bucks in the process!
And while you may not necessarily get rich by hosting a yard sale, it definitely doesn’t hurt to get back some of what you paid for. So to help you get organized, we’ve put together a simple checklist of items we offer that will get you prepared for a successful garage sale!
BOXES – They are always an essential part of any move, home organization or in this case a garage sale! We carry a variety of sizes to help you pack any item, and are easy to assemble
TAPE – Use it to close up your boxes, seal things up or bound items together. It's also simple to remove
BUBBLE CUSHIONING – This material is perfect for packing fragile items such as glassware or kitchenware. It’s perforated so it’s easy to tear, and helps keep off any dust or dirt from the items
BUBBLE POUCHES – These bags are perfect for packing even smaller fragile items such as jewelry or toys. The air filled bubbles provide protection. The self-closing seal provides security
TEXTILE BLANKETS – These will assist you in moving furniture outside and avoid possible scratches. You can simply throw it over a couch or a dining table
HANDTRUCK DOLLY – A great additional item to help with moving any heavy furniture. It will take the strain off your back and help you avoid any possible injury
POSTER BOARDS – Use something bright and colorful to get everyone’s attention! They can help in making the announcements around your block, or to label the different categories of items you are selling such as clothing, books, home goods, etc.
STICKER LABELS – They are easy to peel and stick. Some of them come with prices already set and others you can write in yourself
PERMANENT MARKER – A needed accessory because it will help you label everything. Use it to write on poster boards and also to help you fill in any sticker labels
SANITIZING WIPES – These are necessary in order to wipe your items down as we still need to be safe out there. There’s plenty available in a canister, and are easy to tear as well
We hope your community finds great bargains on things you no longer need, and that you enjoy the extra available space in your home – as well as those pockets full of new funds!