You are finally ready to move out on your own, and the best way to take care of all of your belongings during the move is with some high-quality moving blankets and furniture pads. These wholesale moving blankets and furniture pads will make moving furniture a breeze! A moving blanket or packing blanket can be used to help protect your valuable items, and they also help to use space if necessary. The large majority of these blankets are 72" x 80". This makes them the perfect size to cover large and small items.
Textile blankets can be used for some of your heavier items that are more likely to be chipped during the moving process. These blankets are typically a great thing to use around wooden furniture. The unique textile design makes them durable and they are able to be slid around. There is also a large number of moving furniture pads that can be used to help you move more efficiently. These furniture pads vary in strength, and the pads need to be used to the proper weight specifications. The wide variety of different moving blankets all have a purpose, so use them accordingly.
Moving skins are typically very lightweight and they will not allow you to really carry heavier items. They are the perfect way to protect your valuables though. You can keep your smaller items properly cared for and protect in boxes by using these skins.
Some other moving supplies that help with the moving process are great boxes. You will need a wide assortment of different sized moving boxes. You want to get boxes that are rugged and created from the best cardboard material available. Most types of corrugated boxes are the best choice. You can buy a moving blanket separately, or you can buy bulk blankets for a better price. If you have a large number of things to move, you may want to consider buying moving blankets in bulk.
The moving blankets and furniture pads are must-haves for any professional users ever since they were introduced to the market. The functionality of the moving blankets has extended their popularity to create many clever solutions in our daily lives. In general, a majority of the moving blankets are manufactured from textile scraps and through different processes depending on the type them. Some are turned to quilted moving blankets with different weights. The heavier moving blankets means they are stronger than the lightweight blankets.
The moving blankets are also known as Moving Pads, Packing Pads, Furniture Pads, Textile Blankets, Skins and Paper Pads or Paper Blankets. Regardless of the name, the moving blankets are divided into 3 categories of Quilted or Woven Moving Blankets, Moving Pads (Skins), and Paper Pads.
Furniture Paper pads- These light-weight blankets are mainly for the protection against light scratches, dirt, and dust during storage or move.
Pro Moving Blankets- These light duty blankets are economical enough to be used for the single move.
Quilted or Woven Moving Blankets- The rugged and durable quilted moving blankets offer the most protection against nicks and scratches during the move. These hard-wearing blankets are sturdy enough for many moves, which makes them the to-go blankets for the professional movers. The Woven Blankets offered by Uboxes in 2,4,6,12,24,36,96, and 168 packs and are categorized based on the weight of the blankets:
a. Single-Use Moving Blankets
i. Textile Moving Blankets- Skins- Made of recycled fiber, these blankets have a tensile strength of 60 pounds and are great as a lightweight Moving Pad
b. Multi-Move Moving Blankets
i. Economy Moving Blankets- Heavier than the Pro Moving Blankets offering more protection and sturdy enough for more than one use
ii. Performance Moving Blankets- These moving blankets are in the middle of the pack when it comes to weight and level of the protection.
iii. Deluxe Moving Blankets- The blankets are almost double the weight of our lightest blankets, Pro Moving Blankets. They’re strong enough to handle multiple users.
c. Pro-Movers Moving Blankets
i. Extra Performance Moving Blankets- Extra strong and heavy duty moving blankets are more than double in weight when compared to the pro-moving blankets offering double the protection.
ii. Supreme Moving Blankets- Popular with the professional movers, these moving blankets can handle multiple moves with no problem.
iii. Pro-Movers Moving Blankets- Manufactured with microfiber, these heavyweight moving blankets are woven and strengthen with polyester binding. The pro-Mover Blankets are guaranteed not to fade or be washed-out.
iv. Super Supreme Moving Blankets- These super heavy-duty moving blankets offer the ultimate protection and last longer during many moves.
v. Camo Moving Blankets- The Camo Blankets are as good as they get among the moving blankets. They’re 3 times heavier than the Economy Moving Blankets and the professional moving blankets prefer these blankets for their lasting strength.
Other Uses for the Old Moving Blankets
Most consumers prefer the stronger moving blankets to protect their valuable items such as pianos or antiques and they have created some obvious and some more clever uses for them after the move is over:
• Furniture and appliance Cover- The moving blankets offer an excellent protection for furniture, piano, and appliances during redecorating or painting.
• Auto Upholstery Protection- Cover the seats or the trunk of your car with moving blankets to protect them from cuts to the fabric, dirt, and spillage.
• Pet Bedding Blanket- These cushiony moving blankets offer comfort for your dogs and cats while creating a separation from the cold floor.
• Transporting Dogs- Cover the car seats with the moving blankets when taking your dog to the vet or a travel to avoid dirt and dog hair all over the upholstery.
• Outdoor Blanket- Use you old moving blankets as a comfortable outdoor blanket while at the beach, camping, fishing, and outdoor sporting or music events.
• Sound Proofing Your Home or Office- The moving blankets make an inexpensive soundproofing for any room. This is ideal for creating a do-it-yourself soundproofed studio, game room in your home or simply reducing the level of the noise traveling through walls. Use of the moving blanket to reduce noise is a perfect tool for tenants and apartment lifestyle when throwing a party.